War and the Urgent Need

for Higher Consciousness:

Insights from King Spiros of Plomari

By Timescity Express, June 23, 2024




In our world today, the specter of war looms large. It has become almost commonplace, a grim backdrop to our daily lives. We’ve grown accustomed to news headlines reporting conflicts in distant lands, as if war were an inevitable part of the human experience. But is it? King Spiros of Plomari challenges this notion, urging us to recognize the unnaturalness of war and the desperate need for higher consciousness.

The Normalization of Conflict

King Spiros observes that we’ve normalized war. It’s no longer shocking; it’s expected. We’ve resigned ourselves to the idea that somewhere, on some corner of our planet, violence and bloodshed persist. But this acceptance reveals a troubling truth: Our collective consciousness has settled for mediocrity. We’ve allowed low-grade thinking to flourish while dismissing the transformative power of higher awareness.

The Devaluation of Higher Consciousness

Why does higher consciousness get sidelined? King Spiros suggests that it’s not merely overlooked; at times, it’s even outlawed. When we prioritize material gains, territorial disputes, and power struggles, we suppress the very essence of our humanity—the capacity for love, empathy, and understanding. In doing so, we devalue the wisdom that could lead us toward peace.

The Eternal Kingdom of Plomari

Enter the Eternal Kingdom of Plomari—a vision King Spiros passionately advocates. Plomari represents a realm where higher consciousness reigns supreme. It’s a place where love, compassion, and interconnectedness guide every decision. War has no place there; it’s an aberration—an affront to the very fabric of existence.

The Unnaturalness of War

King Spiros’s assertion is clear: War is unnatural. It’s a distortion of our true potential. Love, he argues, should be our default state, not conflict. When we embrace love, we reject war. Plomari stands as a beacon, reminding us that we can choose differently.


As we reflect on King Spiros’s words, let us consider our role in shaping consciousness. Can we elevate our thinking? Can we collectively create a world where war is unthinkable? The urgency lies not in waiting for change but in actively nurturing higher consciousness. Perhaps, just perhaps, we can turn the tide and build a world worthy of love, not war.

This article is based on the following words by King Spiros of Plomari and what this newspaper Timescity Express know about the King and his country Plomari:

"In today’s human world, the prevalence of war on Earth has become almost normalized. We often think, ‘Well, there’s always war somewhere; we should get used to it.’ However, this mindset reveals how low-grade consciousness is allowed to thrive while higher consciousness is devalued—even outlawed. It underscores the urgent need for my eternal Kingdom of Plomari to counteract this tendency. War should not be seen as natural or an inherent part of human existence; rather, it is the most unnatural thing in the face of Love. Yes, we require Plomari in the world to mitigate these destructive tendencies among humanity."

~ King Spiros of Plomari, June 23, 2024






