The Kingdom Without Borders:

King Spiros’ Global Vision

for a Compassionate Future

By Timescity Express, October 11, 2024


King Spiros of Plomari's vision of the "Kingdom of Plomari" is not a traditional, territorial kingdom but rather a conceptual and global network of interconnected people and communities who share a common vision for a better, more compassionate world. It’s rooted in the idea that humanity can collaborate across boundaries, both physical and ideological, to create societies that function harmoniously with the Earth and with one another.

1. The Kingdom of Plomari as a Global Network:

Plomari, under King Spiros' leadership, is presented as an experimental model for how humanity can live in alignment with the planet and with higher ethical values. This "kingdom" spans across physical borders, uniting people around shared principles like sustainability, cooperation, innovation, and compassion. It’s a metaphorical realm where individuals and communities worldwide, regardless of their specific location, can participate in building what he calls "paradise on Earth."

This network functions like a decentralized ecosystem of people who are experimenting with new ways of living, whether through technology, alternative economic systems, or cultural practices. Participants are likely involved in initiatives that reflect these ideals, such as renewable energy projects, community-based agriculture, or cooperative governance models. The aim is to connect local efforts, learn from one another, and scale up the impact globally.

2. A Kingdom Without Borders:

Unlike a traditional kingdom defined by geography or political borders, the Kingdom of Plomari is borderless. It exists wherever people choose to embody its ideals. By rejecting traditional power structures and hierarchies, King Spiros envisions Plomari as a place of collective ownership, where decision-making and leadership are collaborative. This approach suggests a global network that operates more like a distributed community than a centralized nation-state.

As part of this, the "Kingdom" encourages a focus on local action with global awareness. Individuals and communities are encouraged to think globally—considering the larger human and environmental context—while acting locally by making positive changes in their own immediate environments. This dual focus reflects the interconnectedness of modern life, where local actions can have ripple effects globally.

3. Technology as a Binding Force:

King Spiros highlights the use of technologies as a key aspect of building the Kingdom of Plomari. These technologies, ranging from digital communication platforms to advancements in renewable energy, serve as tools that can help connect people across the world and provide solutions to global challenges. Through technology, Plomari’s global citizens can exchange ideas, share resources, and collaborate on projects, creating a network that is as fluid as it is vast.

Technology, in this sense, is a means of facilitating human cooperation on an unprecedented scale. It can help overcome traditional obstacles like distance and difference, enabling communities to work together for a common cause despite geographical or cultural separations.

4. A Community Based on Shared Ideals:

At the heart of the Kingdom of Plomari is a set of shared values. These values center around the belief that humanity can minimize suffering, increase equality, and promote the flourishing of all beings. It also involves fostering respect for the Earth, promoting sustainable practices, and elevating the human spirit by embracing creativity, innovation, and love for both people and the planet.

Plomari is portrayed as an evolving experiment—what King Spiros calls a "paradise" in development. Over 25 years (from 1999 to 2024), this network has been focused on experimenting with what it means to live in harmony with the Earth while building a human world that works for everyone. The Kingdom invites individuals and communities to take part in this ongoing experiment, contributing their ideas, talents, and energy to making the dream of paradise a reality.

5. Scaling Local Successes to a Global Level:

The Kingdom of Plomari aims to test out practical, small-scale solutions that can be applied more broadly. One of its biggest challenges, as King Spiros notes, is scaling these solutions from local, community-based efforts to larger, more global systems. In essence, Plomari serves as a kind of laboratory for rethinking how humanity can organize itself, experimenting with new ways of living, working, and governing that align with the values of sustainability and compassion.

6. Cultural Influence and Creative Expression:

Given that King Spiros is an artist, author, and musician, creative expression is likely an integral part of the Kingdom of Plomari's global network. Art, music, and literature serve as tools to communicate the kingdom’s values, inspire change, and bring people together across cultural divides. The creative dimension of Plomari is as important as its political or economic dimensions, underscoring the idea that building a better world involves not only practical solutions but also a transformation of the human spirit through beauty, meaning, and shared experiences.

In summary, the Kingdom of Plomari, under King Spiros' guidance, envisions a global community united by a commitment to sustainability, compassion, and innovative thinking. Through collaboration, technology, and creative expression, it seeks to build a new way of living—one that honors both the Earth and the collective human spirit. Plomari is more than a place; it’s an idea and a movement that invites people from around the world to participate in shaping a better future.


~ Timescity Express, October 11, 2024





