The Enchanting Realm of Plomari:

Where Dreams Take Shape

By Queen Rose Wakins, Timescity Express, May 16, 2024


Plomari, a name that resonates with magic, beckons us to step beyond the mundane and into a world where imagination knows no bounds. King Spiros, the visionary creator of this utopian realm, has woven dreams into the very fabric of reality. As we delve into the mysteries of Plomari, we find ourselves captivated by its allure.

The Eternal Kingdom of Plomari

Imagine a place where worries fade like morning mist, where joy dances on sun-kissed meadows, and where health and wealth coexist harmoniously. This is Plomari—a majestic tree whose branches stretch toward the heavens. King Spiros, whose name means “Bull’s eye” in the Plomarian language, has spent two decades shaping this extraordinary domain.

Plomari defies the constraints of our world. It is a counterbalance to the prevailing themes of tragedy and dystopia in art. On his official website,, King Spiros invites us to explore this haven of creativity and wonder.

Artistic Freedom and Retirement

Recently retired at the age of 41, King Spiros now revels in the opportunity to live fully and create art at his own pace. Remarkably, he doesn’t seek financial gain from his art. This freedom allows him to create exactly what he desires without the constraints of commercial success. His retirement isn’t an end; it’s a continuation—a chance to bask in the grace of Plomari.

The Pink Bible of Plomari

The heart of Plomari lies within the pink bible—a book that embodies the essence of this magical realm. Spanning 800 pages, it offers insights into the Kingdom of Plomari. King Spiros’s poetic expressions and visionary storytelling captivate readers, inviting them to explore the depths of enchantment.

Additionally, King Spiros has authored other books, including “Immortalez,” “The Book of Love,” “The Golden Age of Love,” and “Discovering Plomari.” Each one adds to the tapestry of Plomari’s allure.

A Chance to Just BE in Plomari

As Queen Rose Wakins eloquently puts it, “Now let us take a few deep breaths, and relax, and just be in Plomari for a while.” Whether you’re an artist seeking freedom or an adventurer yearning for magic, Plomari awaits your discovery.

Visit and immerse yourself in the eternal Kingdom of Plomari. Let worries dissipate, dreams flourish, and reality transform into something extraordinary.

Feel free to explore the wonders of Plomari, dear readers. The journey awaits!

King Spiros wishes to add to this article:

"Just to be extra clear in the name of exhaustive thouroughness, let me say that just because I have retired doesn't mean I vanish. I will keep working and running Plomari, and I will continue to keep a watchful eye over the kingdom and its citizens. My retirement is a way to mark that Plomari has been completed; a way to say to the world that I have achieved my goals. Also, I don't want my hard work to come in the way of me and my wife's relationship, and now that I am retired I have more time to focus on my Queen." ~ King Spiros of Plomari, May 17, 2024


~ Queen Rose Wakins of Timescity Express, May 16, 2024

: Inspired by King Spiros’s official website,






