Beyond Cultures: King Spiros and the Plomarian Magic Mushroom



In the quiet coastal town of Plomari, nestled among olive groves and azure waters, King Spiros—an enigmatic figure—shares his unconventional views on culture, freedom, and personal transformation. His recent proclamation in the Timescity Express has ignited curiosity and debate. Join us as we delve into the mind of King Spiros and explore the profound implications of his words.

Culture: Friend or Foe?

King Spiros boldly declares that culture, in all its forms, can be an adversary to freedom and prosperity. Rather than celebrating cultural diversity, he challenges us to question whether our cultural upbringing restricts our potential. Is culture a nurturing companion or a stifling force?

The Cult Analogy

Drawing an intriguing parallel, King Spiros likens cultural immersion to being part of a cult—one we didn’t choose. Just as cult members adhere to rigid doctrines, cultural norms shape our beliefs, behaviors, and identities. But what if we could step outside this cultural cocoon?

The Plomarian Magic Mushroom

Enter the Plomarian magic mushroom—a metaphorical elixir that transcends cultural boundaries. When consumed, it liberates individuals from their cultural shackles. Suddenly, they stand naked under the sun, devoid of familiar reference points. Fear and uncertainty arise, but so does the opportunity for growth.

The Fear of Letting Go

King Spiros acknowledges the discomfort of shedding cultural layers. When we release our grip on tradition, we confront emptiness—a void where our ego once thrived. Yet, he insists that this vulnerability is essential. Only by letting go can we glimpse a broader reality.

A Higher Perspective

In the end, King Spiros advocates for seeing beyond cultural confines. Stepping outside our ego allows us to view humanity from a higher vantage point. Empathy flourishes, and bridges form between seemingly disparate worlds. Perhaps, just perhaps, this Plomarian experience holds the key to a more harmonious existence.


As the sun sets over Plomari, we ponder King Spiros’s words. Are we willing to sip from the Plomarian magic mushroom? Can we shed our cultural garments and embrace the unknown? The choice is ours—to remain bound by tradition or to dance, unencumbered, toward a brighter dawn.

Disclaimer: The Plomarian magic mushroom is a fictional creation for the purpose of this article. Please consult a real-world mycologist before embarking on any metaphysical journeys. 🍄😉

This article is based on these words by the King of Plomari, and what we at Timescity Express know about the king:

"Some people have a hard time understanding my words here, but I think one of the biggest enemies against freedom and prosperity is culture itself, in any fom, any culture, all cultures. Being brought up in a culture is like being forced to join a cult you don't want to join, and this culture you are forced to believe in without actually gaining anything from it. I understand that it can be fun to follow your certain peoples traditions, but it also robs you of your freedom. When you eat of my Plomarian magic mushroom you suddenly step out of your culture, and you stand naked under the sun. This scares a lot of people, because suddenly there's nothing to hold on to. But, I think this can be really good for humanity, to have this mushroom experience that makes people question their own cultural upbringing. In the end, it's healthy to step outside of your own ego and see things from a higher, wider perspective."

~ King Spiros of Plomari, June 3, 2024


: Timescity Express, June 3, 2024






