"I'm already hooked and...that's probably where
you are in the story isn't it, hahaha!"
~ Anonymous

Above: The Cogan Family's planetary psilocybin mushroom cultivation
Calm motions in the dark. Quiet Plomarian evenings. When King Hu transformed into a Dragon I was knocked off my feet. To take that much shit as King Hu has, and still continue and transform into something so amazing that... He's the hero of my life, man.
~ Anonymous |
How can King Spiros and Queen Cecilia be cooler than all of Humanity combined?
~ Anonymous |
Was long ago I saw something so complex, beautiful, simple and amazing as ArtSetFree.com
Wait, I... never seen something so complex.
~ Anonymous |
King Spiros is so awesome that he dosen't even want you to think he's awesome he wants you to
suck his dick. Like for real, mate, he'd rather have sex with you than you sitting there thinking he's cool.
~ Anonymous |
I love how in Plomari there is always a soft squishy bum in the absolute centre of attention, in the middle of it it all. Us alchemists of Plomari always turn even the worst nightmare into the cutest most glorious thing ever.
~ Anonymous |
Where the fuck did King Hu come from?
~ Anonymous |
I have tried the mushroom now. And now I feel what you felt, Spiros. Now I understand how deeply you love your mushroom, and how much it means to you, and how you wish to share it with the rest of us.
~ Anonymous |
ArtSetFree.com is holy.
~ Anonymous |
I have met Spiros, and partied with him. He has the discipline of a navy seal and obviously takes his work very seriously! Although also he obviously knows how to relax and have a good time and he loves to celebrate Life. Thank you Spiros, Sissy and Butterfly for everything!
~ Anonymous |
Alone, Queen Sissy Cogan holds enough consciousness to carry the entire planet up. Alone she can lift the entire world, and higher and higher. And together as one huge team, all of us, we are unstoppable and unbreakable.
~ Anonymous |
We could sit for the rest of our lives and discuss what Plomari is about, hahaha!
~ Anonymous |
Once I got a feel for the Queendom, I have never felt so home on Earth as I do now!
~ Anonymous |
The Strawberry Queendom of Plomari is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to humanity.
~ Anonymous |
Dear your Higherness Sissy Cogan, Spiros and Butterfly. You have shown me a way to live that I didn't know existed, a way of grace that I didn't know was possible. Thank you for everything! I love you!
~ Anonymous |
Beautiful Spiros, Sissy and Butterfly, thank you for your beautiful bliss! Thank you for everything! You inspire! Never stop being you!
~ Anonymous |
Plomari is like the best fucking movie I have ever seen, the more I understand the deeper it gets, and then suddenly I understood it's all real, which was the most awesome experience ever!
~ Anonymous |
The Spiros of Kama Sutra! Always talking to you through the speed of the Sutra and the 7-dimensional Plomari!
~ Anonymous |
Spiros, Sissy and Butterfly, you are like family to me.
~ Anonymous |
It's resonating within us, awakening the Queendom of Plomari and dwelling therein for eternity
~ Anonymous |
It is true, I have never experienced anything as beutiful as the Queendom of Plomari before. It's a kind of beauty and grace that is overwhelming and new to me and it has totally brought me home.
~ Anonymous |
I DO believe in Plomari, Spiros.
How can I not? It calls to every fiber of my essence!
I have waited for SO long to find you, and HOME. Thank YOU, my Spiros, Lord Spider……for weaving me into the web of glory and light you hold in your heart.
~ Anonymous |
"Hey Spiros, Sissy and Butterfly! I got your loveletter!"
~ Anonymous |
"I am absolutely ghostbusted."
~ Anonymous |
"I am absolutely ghasterblasted."
~ Anonymous |
"How the fuck are they doing it?"
~ Anonymous |
"In the scene where Sissy Cogan arrived naked crawling on all fours on the floor with a papyrus roll in her ass I knew exactly what is going on here. This, dear lovers, is the Biggest Production of All Time."
~ Anonymous |
"Plomari? Good lock everywon."
~ Anonymous |
"Plomari is loosing and finding yourself over and over."
~ Anonymous |
"I was hoping for something, hoping for something to happen, and then here you are and brought me home. To come home, to come home with you is Heaven."
~ Anonymous |
"Your Light will spread to the corners, they stand no chance. Palaces will be made in your name and collected worlds will be kept just the same. Symbols rely on nothing, and nothing will be it."
~ Anonymous |
"I think these people are probably crazy! But the really disturbing possibillity is that they are not..."
~ Dennis McKenna |
"How funny it was to watch this enormous energy source trying so hard to “make itself small enough" to be understood. The Cogan Family is much too powerful for many humans and they have to try very hard to be small enough, and very gentle—so people will not be afraid."
~ Anonymous |
"I don't know if there's a way I could share with you how much reading from Plomari totally changed me, made me live entirely, understand what I was living."
"ArtSetFree.com is like seven gates all leading to each other and all to the same, the Heart."
~ Anonymous |
The Mushroom Seamstress, endless pages of perfectly proportioned fullfigure love mirrors from C'est Simone of Strawberry, plus framed and twisted rosette, the gathering of the Gods and Goddesses behind the secret veil of reality, all in rosy pink. Who can resist the temptation! I'm going to take a shower before I continue deeper into this eternal Love."
~ Anonymous |
"ArtSetFree.com, to be explored as a journey unto itself just like an Ayahuasca or Mushroom journey! Magical? The blond boy who plays hide and seek with me, weaving in and out of the cosmos... eternal love manifesting as the most delicate flowers and birds weaving shimmering strands of iron and wine and... horse-tail buttplugs and strap-on dildos?! A glorious queendom of eternal tantric bliss?!!! ... Mmmm what a lovely story! I wanna live this life too! Wait I am living this life now! And hey we are done with our 'healing', we are healed and home, now we wanna fuck and have fun! So welcome home to The Queendom of Plomari!"
~ Anonymous |
"Imagine if every creative ball you ever threw out into the universe was caught by some supposedly random person on the other side of the world then showed back up in your life in the form of a mindblowingly amazing trippy ass art project! And real actual truest love. That's sort of ArtSetFree.com."
~ Anonymous |
"ArtSetFree.com is our ultimate riot!"
~ Anonymous |
"The Queendom of Plomari never ceases to amaze me."
~ Anonymous |
"I would say you are doing God's work, but you are not. This is much better."
~ Anonymous |
"Spiros, Sissy and Butterfly, the universe is not even half as beutiful as you are."
~ Anonymous |
"A spectacular beginning to a plan that's been blooming for 129 years!"
~ Anonymous |
"There is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others."
~ Anonymous |
"Fetch Spiros his robe."
~ Anonymous |