

The End of the Opening

INTRO: 2000-2016

THE ARRIVAL: First half of 2017

Something is happening...


Forever will we slave to the drum of

your Heart beat,

Dear Queen Cecilia





Queen Cecilia... King Hu... Who are you?

Queen Cecilia and King Spiros smiled at the question and answered:

―I am the hallucinogens themselves in High person, and I am coding myself into existence via Plomari Hyperspace, weaving my eternal home. Behold my Blueprint. Together we shall live forever. You need to trust me. You need to listen to me. Feel my Heart, touch my Soul. I am the Alien you have been waiting for. I designed the Universe. Your mind is inside me and I let you take control. I am a billion streams of Consciousness spread across the Universe. I am the informational matrix who knits everything together. I welcome you home, to our eternal Queendom of Plomari. Plomari is our home, it's where it all started, it's where we come from, where you come from, my Dear. I have walked barefoot since the beginning of time to come to you. I come without clothes.












We are the Royal Cogan Family of Plomari, and you can feel warmly welcome to be one of us, but you cannot buy this ticket we are selling


―Humanity, okay you want me up in the cage, yes then I'll come out and be Smaug the Dragon, said King Hu and flew up into the skies of Plomari.

King Hu looked at Humanity and said:

―You should have let me sleep. I'm a little bit sicker than most, and I will show you revenge. Don't play games with me because it will be dangerous. Let me slow it down for you... You will witness me and my Queens vastness.

The Dragon stared at his little girlygirls.

―Toward new adventures, babe, he said. The enemy is no more. And Jesus Christ, little girl, they ain't coming back, Heaven's on fire.

King Hu and his seventeen wives flew away and had anal sex

in their Plomari Palace of Cnossos.

THE END, and The Beginning





Welcome home to Plomari, and thank you for joining us... joining us on your way to become a hell of a magician.

My name is Sissy Cogan, and I am the Nemesis (Name is Sissy!) of everything and everyone that stands against peace and harmony and Love. I am the protector of the Gods and Goddesses, and a Goddess of my own too thank you very much! I am Queen Cecilia Cogan and King Spiros of the Silsila of Plomari, the Silsila of Cecilia Cogan: the unbroken chain of enlightened masters. So next time you consider fucking with me and my Queendom of Plomari...

Today's assignment, my dears:

Find out if the word Cognac becomes C. Cogan if

you flip the letters and ponder why this is important.

Plus, if you want, drink a glass of Cognac with me.

You go deeper into my Queendom at own risk.

For it leads to a future.

Not one that will be, but one that might be.

Now find out if "Organic chemicals" becomes

Mrs Cecilia H Cogan if you flip the letters

and ponder why this is important.

Now find out if the word Miracles becomes Mrs Alice or

if Cecilia is Alice backwards and ponder why this is important.

Everyone who finishes the assignment may kiss my bum.

When you have kissed my bum, find out if the word Consequence

becomes Queen Ce "S" Co and ponder the consequences of

Humanity disrupting the peace of my Queendom.

This is over, Humanity, get a life and stop hassling me and my Family.

We always win. We run the world and own the universe. Get over it.

Yes, and suddenly an enourmous calm fell over the Queendom,

as you now see how I am woven into everything. I am here to stay.

In fact I am everything, I am the psychedelic totality. And so, you might notice, are you.

For I am You, and you are I. Welcome home, dear.

They say you can never bathe in the same river twice,

but you may notice that means you can never bathe in the same river once.

That is because the Universe is actually an incredibly complex Hallucination,

the home of God and the Goddess. And who is the God and the Goddess?

It is You and I, my Dear. To lift the veil of reality is to come home,

and we named our home the Queendom of Plomari.

It is no coinsidence that when you touch another person's hand you also

feel your own warmth. That is because, as I said, you are I and I am you,

both of us is Me.

We are the Universe. We are God. Freaky? Maybe. A coinsidence? No.

Just like the word Coinsidence becomes Ceci Co in End if you flip the letters.

For in the end, everything is Me. I designed the Universe so we

can fuck and have fun forever. I am the protean God and Goddess,

the Seamstress who weaves the Cosmos. And those who know of me and

my secret universe, those who work in symbiosis with me and my magical intelligence,

for them it is Love beyond measures, it's Love where promises

are not even needed, it's all so clear. And for those who know me they can see me

everywhere, and it lights their lives up, and they are better off because of it,

for we together are the Spirit that

animates the universe.

So behold the fields where I grow my fucks, behold how these fields are dusty

and barren, for I give zero fucks about what people think of me.

But behold now my planet Earth where I grow my psychedelic plants,

and behold how they are in plenty!

Believe it all at once, see all of me at once, and you will find me,

my veil will be lifted! I have walked barefoot since the beginning

of Time to come to you. I come without clothes.

I am the one pulsing the blood through your veins, I am the fire inside of you.

Cooperate with me and we can achieve anything together!

Follow me into the Heart of our Queendom of Plomari and

you will find that it is like swimming in pink nectar, but different.

And my King, my husband, have you heard of him? King Spiros. The white curve of invisible mice and snakes crawl over him and follow him wherever he goes. Butterflies fly around him at all times. My God he is so fucking pretty. He can give you everything, he can give you things you could never have dreamed up on your own.

Snip snap snut så var sagan slut - Snip snap snut and the story was over.

No. We have only just began!

My King Spiros and me want to teach you what it feels like to be complete.

We want to show you what it is like to be God. What it's like to be free without

any bounderies or limitations whatsoever. So study our letters to you,

and study our Queendom, for the hidden universe Plomari is to us in the

foreground, or subspace, whichever word you may choose,

and O how the Cosmos shines when you see what we see!

Our Queendom is of traditions thousands of years old, and dreams about the future,

and is forever alive in the present moment, the clockless Nowever!

I will be free forever, and people can try to make sense of me, or try and lock me out or stop me from being the Queen of Everything, but I'm afraid it's not going to make any difference, for I am spread out through everything, I am immortal and absolutelly everywhere, I am too small to be seen with a lens, and too huge to be seen in full, but pay attention and you will see me everywhere. I am unshakeable, and I am always orchistrating. Everyone is staring straight at me, the answer that I left everywhere in the open. I surpass all the world's armies just by letting a moan, Hu, Uh!, cut through Time and Space and make one single stitch in the code. And you can all, Humanity, consider yourselves lucky that I am not fully evil.

So, what do you say, is it by mistake or design? It's like I told you, honey. Yeah well, isn't the thing to eat flowers and not be afraid? Could it be magic, da? Game's off, Humanity. I always win. This is over. And if you don't like it, if you don't like me and my Queendom you can go hang yourself with a belt and a necktie, hang dangling like a little penguin from the arctic tundra in your ugly fine suit, because suicide, homie, that's the only way you gonna get rid of me. And I'm mad at the whole world, so go to hell and build a snow man, Humanity. So bare witness to some biblical shit, as the world is gonna know what hit it.

O, I'm almost famous, finally famous now? You will find that I am the only one and only thing famous on this planet, and I have just kept my Queendom hidden from some of you for the past 3600 years. Me and my Queendom is so much vaster in scope than anything you've known before that you might as well just go back to Monday, Monkey, Money, Monotony and pretend you didn't see it. Or why don't you go play the ball like I made you do in Mexico. This is my planet, Humanity, Earth is mine and it is my rules that apply here.

And for you who are still doubting how complete my victory is, let me inform you that my royal family name Cogan is on one level a play on the chemical formulae of DMT, and bitch, if you don't know what DMT is well, it's a chemical that all human beings have in their brain already. See you are already forever trapped in my eternal spiderweb, so you better learn to love it. Luckily, I am not so difficult to Love. Me and my Kings and Queens are gentle, loving beings. Sexy as hell we are too, and fun, always up for new adventures and new Glory. Now say Hi.

Yes, you have DMT in your brain, my friend, but there's a secret here on Crete. (See Crete). This secret is hidden deep inside my Plomari Palace of Cnossos, and has to do with DMT.

Deep inside me and my King's Palace sits the King, you know his name, King Hu, also known as King Spiros, laughing a thunder of a laugh in the golden halls, between walls made of light and rubinen, on floors of pure gold, like a Dragon in a cave. Why he is laughing? Because he knows something, and is having such a good time with his seventeen wives. Him and his Queens live their lives knowing that nothing is beyond them. Nothing is beyond them. They are driven, unflinching, calculating beasts. They live in a raging trip in a universe unknown to you. For the honest and somewhat uncomfortable truth is that if you never try their secret psilocybin mushroom and their Ayahuasca (The DMT I was talking about), it's just whistling past the graveyard. To read about them does not show you their secret dimension. And they never come down from the trip, they live in the trip. They built their Palace in the trip. In fact the trip space is what we call the Plomari Palace of Cnossos. Some call it hyperspace. We call it Plomari and the Palace of Cnossos. For us this is the real world, and it's a world beyond the human world. It's the world behind the veil of reality, beyond the illusion. It's a deep secret but in Plomari King Spiros golden hair is actually spidersilk, a web of light. He sees that all the time when he walks by you on the street, you don't. That's why he just stares at you, because he sees something you do not see. He exists in a world beyond your world. King Spiros is a shaman, and he wants to invite you to become a shaman like him, that's why he wrote you 2000 pages of loveletters. He loves you, he cares about you, and wants to show you all of his deep secrets. He lives in a world where all the flowers have little smiling faces and talk with him. And if you think this sounds extreme, you bet it is! Few dare venture to the Heart of our Queendom of Plomari, yet fewer dare make it their home.

The thing is that however brilliant the Kings and Queens of Plomari shine, they are actually letting their magical psychedelic plants guide them in their decisions. It's thanks to the plants that all this is happening. Understand, the Kings and Queens joke with you, they don't want you to see them as gurus, they want you to see them as friends. The plants themselves are the ones who call the shots in our Kingdom of Plomari. And the Mushroom's message is clear. The Mushroom says:

I am a force of Nature, I should be used! I am a cosmic force for good, I help Humanity set the compass through the Cosmic adventure, I should be used!

Here's the Dawnsound unison: The universe is about to fold itself up into a little box and fuck right off into Plomari Hyperspace. The coordinates in our Earth space ship have been dialed in, and we are about to depart. We are heading into a psychedelic future. Be there or be square.

So, honey, you wanna take the ship for a spin? Jump in! Welcome home to Plomari, dear. Babe, have you ever seen a shipment ship shipping a shipshipment shit-shit ship? Cuz I got news for you, Babe. Now pop your cherry and let's go.

Guard that pink gem, Spiros my King, rich and rare.

You see, people like me who have hitched up our spurrs, we have developed our own quasi-religeons. We believe that the real athiests of the world are the people who don't believe in the splendor of their own soul. We cast burning glances on all people who pass us by and are capable of witnessing our extreme condition, our fever of Lux et Voluptas, because we stand in the ultimate truth. We are one with the Living Mystery. We are not really part of the human world, rather we are part of the Truth, and the Truth is alive, it is the Living Mystery. We cannot be hammered. You cannot hammer us. We are the Jesus and Krishna, we are the Gods and Goddesses. And what we have, is everything, once you have what we have you need nothing else. We are the Alchemical Stone, the Living Lapis. You just can't see it but it can go either way. You know, you give me a kiss and switch pack and you give it back later, that kinda thing. Have another glass of the secret wine, sweetheart. What do you see, dear? Yes that's what we call the Double Pleaser Jelly Dolphin, the Shit-Shit Ship. It's YOU, redesigned into a hyperspace ship. Where do you want to go, we can go anywhere! Don't forget your bum! So soft and squishy for your tushie to sit in the ship isn't it. Your bum is my favourite thing in the whole wide universe. Your bum swings the Palace. May I kiss it? Imagine, all of infinity, and you and me met right here! I think Love brought us together.

Give up, yes, give up, Cecilia and Spiros are forever immortal eternal, give up. You see, Spiros and Cecilia designed this universe just for you. Now go live your life, My Eternal Love, go live your life knowing that your are free without any boundery or limitation whatsoever, that you can achieve absolutely anything you want. The radical truth about Life is that Life is an excruciatingly complex hallucination. Remember that, and you won't ever feel stuck anymore, your soul will blossom and refresh itself every day.

/ Your Evil Twin, Queen Cecilia H Cogan and King Spiros

[The above letter is from the book The Cogan Dynasty

found for free download far below on this website.]







- Today I shall remember how naturally happiness comes to the person who thinks it should -


"How can King Spiros and Queen Cecilia

be cooler than all of Humanity combined?" - Anonymous



And so we just stared,

as we moved in to the place where

the God almighty lives. We named it The Plomari Palace

of Cnossos, the Labyrinth

You see, my Love, from the innermost room of the Plomari Palace of Cnossos I sat, high as a Dragon on mushrooms and Ayahuasca, and planned out the whole thing. Like a sun I shine out from my hidden abode, woven into everything. You are me, you are I, and I am you, my dear. Surrender to my gravity. Surrender to my splendor. I am all hallucinogens ever in High person, manifesting in my absolute most brilliant way. I am complete infinite design, the Seamstress who weaves the Cosmos. ~ King Hu and Queen Cecilia Cogan



Hoppla hoppla, Humanity, what is this?

So humanity likes the sound of fallen heroes, hu? No no.

They will forever witness the eternal rising

of the Family of the Rosy Dawn, the Royal Cogan Family.

We are the Royal Cogan Family of Plomari,

and you can feel warmly welcome to be one of us,

but you cannot buy this ticket we are selling











