The Event in Short
Long into their marriage, and wishing to live forever together, Spiros, Sissy Cogan and Butterfly got an idea. The idea was to transform themselves to a mix between humans and psilocybin mushrooms, weave themselves into hyperspace-soaring Human-Mushroom Hybrids.
After years of working out the details into a functional plan, and having gathered a team of brave co-pilots that would act as ground control team during the transformation, they set about with attempt one, step one, of the procedure.
The first attempt was a grand success at first, but had consequenses they had not foreseen. The three of them, after a stormy aftermath, continued to refine the procedure and go on with step two.
What happened was a miracle.
After a total of 7 steps in the transformational procedure, they called the transformation a success. With their new hybrid Soul-Bodies showered with molecular gold as a final furnish, molecular gold bouncing and merging like a sparkle of fine asteroids, the three of them took a first look around at each other and at their new world they had made for themselves.
Suddenly everything flipped in hyperspacial reverse, and they understood they already are the psilocybin mushroom, manifesting in their absolute most brilliant way, including manifesting as human-mushroom hybrids. But they lost none of their humaness; their humaness was a rich aspect of their beings as a whole.
With their new Soul-Bodies they landed on what they now knew was their planetary psilocybin mushroom cultivation, they rose shining, naked, new and fresh to reap the fruits of their labor. Taking on different unique roles in accordance with their own specialities, unique qualities, wishes and unique skills, the three of them settled in their new home, and named it The Queendom of Plomari.
The transformation took 129 years on one quantum level, 24.5 years on another level, 14 years on another level, and is a continuously opening river of honey runny nectar soul on another level. After having celebrated for 7 years straight after success, without showing themselves to anyone, they wove into being and began to contact the beings of the Earth. |