The Mushroom Seamstress:

Unraveling the Mystical Tapestry

By Timescity Express,

June 12, 2024


In the quiet corners of Plomari, a small island known for its rugged beauty and ancient legends, King Spiros weaves a poetic proclamation that transcends ordinary understanding. His words evoke mystery, magic, and a profound connection to the unseen. Let us delve into the enigma of the “Mushroom Seamstress” and unravel the threads of meaning.


The Enigmatic Figure

“O, The Mushroom Seamstress! Who would dare even try to describe and define her!”, says King Spiros of Plomari.

The Mushroom Seamstress defies conventional labels. She is not a mere mortal but an archetype—an embodiment of cosmic forces. Let’s explore what King Spiros reveals about her:

Weaver of Existence: Like a skilled seamstress, she knits together the fabric of reality. Her threads extend beyond the physical world, reaching into the hyperspace of Plomari—a realm where consciousness expands.

Synchronicities and Threads of Fate: The Mushroom Seamstress weaves synchronicities—the meaningful coincidences that connect events and people. Her loom operates in mysterious ways, aligning destinies.

The Grand Secret: Her modus operandi remains hidden, accessible only to those who dare to merge with her. Tantric union—an intimate communion—holds the key to understanding her.


Psilocybin and Altered States

“She is the one who weaves the psilocybin mushroom experiences and hallucinations.”

Here, King Spiros hints at her connection to altered states of consciousness. Psilocybin mushrooms—the sacred fungi—open doorways to realms beyond. The Mushroom Seamstress guides seekers through these thresholds, revealing hidden truths.

The Informational Mistress

“She speaks to you in mysterious ways, and whispers to you in the pathways and doorways of your soul and mind.”

Her language is symbolic, encoded in dreams, symbols, and intuitive insights. She is the informational mistress, revealing cosmic truths to those who listen closely.

Pachamama and Cosmic Goddess

“She is The Goddess, she is Pachamama.”

The Mushroom Seamstress embodies both cosmic divinity and earthly nurturing. Pachamama—the Earth Mother—speaks through her. Seekers who honor her become stewards of the planet.

Casting Shadows and Illuminating Life

“It is The Seamstress who casts a shadow onto every bare plot, and shines in every detail of Life if you know how to see her.”

She leaves her mark on existence. Her shadow falls on barren ground, hinting at potential. But for those attuned, she illuminates life’s minutiae—the interconnectedness of all things.


King Spiros invites us to dance with the Mushroom Seamstress—to unravel her secrets, embrace synchronicity, and seek communion with the fabric of existence. Perhaps, in the quiet forests of Plomari, we too can glimpse her threads and hear her whispers.

This article is based on the following words by King Spiros of Plomari and what we have read in his book serious A Love Letter To Humanity:

"O, The Mushroom Seamstress! Who would dare even try to describe and define her! The Seamstress is the one who knits everything together, she is the weaver of the web of Life, the seamstress of the hyperspace of Plomari. She is the one who weaves synchronicities. How she operates is a grand secret known only to the ones who dare become one with her and marry her in eternal tantric union. She is the one who weaves the psilocybin mushroom experiences and hallucinations. She is the informational Mistress and Mama Matrix Most Mysterious. She is The Goddess, she is Pachamama. She speaks to you in mysteries ways, and whispers to you in the pathways and doorways of your soul and mind. It is The Seamstress who casts a shadow onto every bare plot, and shines in every detail of Life if you know how to see her."

~ King Spiros of Plomari, Date unknown





