

Game Over

: : 2000-2017 : :

And the winner is:

King Spiros of Plomari,

aka The Illustrated Blind Solid Silver-Bitch

Spiros won over Butterfly with 2-1

The game they were playing is Plomarian Suthel Cross

The King's comment on how he won

in the last seconds of the game:

"When you have only two pennies left in the world, buy a loaf of bread with one, and a lily with the other."

~Plomarian Proverb






Finale words from King Spiros,

World Champignon of The Plomarian Suthel Cross



We've reached Nirvana

This aint a picture trick, brothers and sisters, the picture above. My planetary mushroom cultivation is real! We explore each other forever in infinity ways dear Eternal Lovers, naked and one. This is what we all wished for. We wished for transformation, well here it is. The Earth isn't just any old planet, it is Sissy Cogan's planetary psilocybin mushroom cultivation!



And then the Seamstress and the whole royal Family of Plomari went out into the world to share of the Queendom. Tell them we found a planetary psilocybin mushroom cultivation, a psilocybin mushroom spread throughout Time and Space.

I am glad the mushroom scared us now and then, to show we have found this miracle in Time, for us to see the might and beauty of her splendor, to respect her Truth you can't explain, and talking out loud is the human spirit, and we will forever talk your grace in the betwins of Plomari. And through our eternal tantric union, our Chymical Wedding, we have become one in many and many in one, we have come home to the Prismic Heart of our alchemical Queendom of Time, home in the Garden of Eden, the Garden of Plomari. I do.

Humanity, O how foolish you are! But now here we stand, the whole dribbling civilisation, and O how beautiful it is! Hate and nagging, out of our life, yeah and die a little more, ah, out of our life without a goodbye! Spiros is probably obsessed with mushrooms and girls bums. How many mushrooms did YOU eat? Honestly, shit eat it then! And we Kings and Queens of Plomari never land from the trip! O how brave you are my dear Light Rays, now here we stand, all of us of Plomari, fooling the entire situation! Fools on the Earth, I just want now forget everything and live in Plomari, this Earth story makes less and less sense, so without a goodbye your story ends and the Plomarian story begins. You can't undo what's already been done, it's okay though because I've got a gift for you. Plomari is the pink egg we dug by hand and gave birth to, a Heaven that hid us well. Somewhere along the way it became a dream, to live in a Queendom of Light, forever, together. And when the empress came to me and told me she is in love with me, I finally crashed like an ocean wave in the Sea, and I became The Seamstress. Welcome home, brave soul, to The Strawberry Queendom of Plomari. My Love, maybe the psilocybin mushroom himself in High person arrived to us in 2012? Hi, my eternal love, we are the psilocybin mushroom itself in high person.

Now we have shown you all our secrets. Hold these secrets in your heart like you hold the pink egg of a white dove, and make use of them, and weave them into eternity, and let's live forever together in our Queendom of Plomari! We are talking to you through the pathways and doorways of your mind and heart, talk back, talk back, talk back! Hear our cry in our search for you, touch our souls and Hearts, let the hints and whispers begin! Look to the sky, the orgasmic mushenery, there is nothing that cannot be accomplished here!

The Answer has been revealed~

We must all become living Saints

~ Spiros Cogan

World Champignon of

The Plomarian Suthel Cross, 2000-2017




Queen Butterfly forever





Waiting for no one and going into the adventure alone, I have grown into something so miraculous and different, something so huge and wonderous, that a lot of people can't recognise me. When they look at me they see a human, but I have long ago grown into something else. I can no longer tell the difference between me and the mushroom, where the mushroom begins and I end, we have merged and married and become one.

~ Mushroom King Spiros




People search everywhere within the human world, for happiness, for meaning, for purpose, for what they are looking for. Truth of the matter is there is a whole infinity outside the human world, a whole universe of magic. And it's both inside you and outside you. This is where to go to find purpose, this is where the magic is. This is where the Gods and Goddesses live, and you can be one of them.

~ Spiros









I am glad the mushroom scared us now and then, to show we have found this miracle in Time, for us to see the might and beauty of her splendor, to respect her Truth you can't explain, and talking out loud is the human spirit, and we will forever talk your grace in the betwins of Plomari. And through our eternal tantric union, our Chymical Wedding, we have become one in many and many in one, we have come home to the Prismic Heart of our alchemical Queendom of Time, home in the Garden of Eden, the Garden of Plomari. I do.

Welcome home to the entertainingly interlacing Strawberry Queendom of Plomari, and the Wedding of The Cogan Family! What Spiros, Sissy Cogan and Butterfly and the whole Cogan Family has done is the best move across time, ever. And the first time itself across the time. As you call a cock hard enough, you do not see what I see. Believe this, book worms, crawling. Pin worms, crawling on all fours out of my Plomari Palace of Cnossos. Everywhere around you and inside you and yet you do not see. Say High, I am Elin and Spiros Cogan, we designed the universe. I am a little bit of a bicurious girl, and a little mushroom boy who really loves girls. We are the animators of Space and Time. Young, old, seductive, and dangerous. We're just silently idling waiting for you all to notice how absolute our Plomarian takeover of the world is. We're patient spiders but time's up. It's time to return to the Mushroom Saucer. We have successfully infected the entire world. And remember, honeys, the deeper in you go the bigger it gets...........

~ Queen Cecilia Cogan, King Spiros

and the Butterflies of Plomari



