Introduction, 2018

The Chymical Wedding -

The Return to the Garden of Eden

"The victory of our country and queendom of Plomari is eternal and has already been achieved,

and it will be reiterated and re-emphasised in a huanting way,

it will be made clear for all on planet Earth forever on.

Humanity, I am the psilocybin mushroom itself in high person,

and I shot my Love Dart on you, you weirdos! Don't you get it?!

Watch in awe as every Superstar and practically everyone speaks

for me and our Queendom of Plomari.

Explain the reasons, explain the rhymes... is not required,

inside our hearts and minds. Just follow the Butterflies!

What is Plomari if not simply the gathering of all people

who believe in the human spirit and in freedom."

- King Spiros of Plomari aka Daddy


High Humanity, I'd like to talk with you again. And Humanity, this time will be... different. I'm gonna make things kinda clear for you. High hi hi now I want to say hi I am Love. Everyone is hating and nagging every day, O, we are eternal immortal forever, maybe it's Love, ah! Who is Love and always tricky? Give up, Humanity, yes, give up. Love is a vulcano and you think you gonna stop me somehow? If you think I am ever stopping you gotta be out of your god damned skulls. What King Spiros, me Queen Sissy Cogan and Queen Butterfly and the whole Royal Cogan Family has done is the best move across time, ever. And the first time itself across the time. As you call a cock hard enough, you do not see what I see. Believe this, book worms, crawling. Pin worms, crawling on all fours out of my Plomari Palace of Cnossos. Whoops did I scare you? Am I making you look bad, Humanity? Everywhere around you and inside you and yet you do not see. The butterflies, I wonder why they are not so much dreaming as to the subtleness of some conversation at drinking parties, laughing at it all? Rigged hidden earthen tunnel in butterfly eyeballs. You think Mother Nature's team of animals and plants are not conscious? Just let my heart for positions like an enormous bow into an egg casings out on and not what I had been able, only two diametrically opposing forces that eventually King Spiros also and perhaps I'll use in spite of ourselves to the raw primordia gives birth to the fucking willy nilly at Ayahuasca, or popcorn, poprocks, whatever is a little better. I couldn’t see a problem when a petite spaghetti meal was all Spiros could offer. Later I found out he is a King disguised as a poor poet, and when he asked me to marry him I knew I am the luckiest woman in the world. That was a hot kiss the kind fed albino bird that hid it. My Perceived, you are frozen into the telecaster, say high. More than one of obsessive monomania, I always loved the doves and spinning plates. Flying waffles, my Fuck-Men and Sisters From Hell, the waffle-aiming camera men. Some eyes are the cameras of the Gods. Knowledge of a home address— but different. Or diffident. Boundless potential voyeurism. Fluxodent, fuxodent, fuxobent, whatever. Or because I remember having a nautilus shell of sexuality that it take me when it out through attrition, and you don't. A pinhead going to the pasture didn’t complain about the angle in The Mushroom Seamstress, to make this point. The Kings and Queens in the mosthighest point of psilocybin and Ayahuasca showing you the way through the Palace of Cnossos toward their gaze as you read and watch their music videos. They just stare at you, for they know something. Guard that gem, Spiros, rich and rare. We played cards until The Wedding began. Full of cloth made it better, and now I know the bowls are full to his heart. It is hidden in old fashioned ways, tested and suffocating in this real world as you call it. The nurse at the written word. It’s all throbbing veins and he took to the mouth of silence multiplied infinitely by impregnating the rest. We had the fucking revolution and it was so close to the first, and I told you that made sexual it may at the raw primordia give birth to manifest our Plomari Paradise, but what did you do, Humanity? They looking sideways to try and stop seeing me. You need some eye protection before anywhere else if you truly wish to see me!

And so, you who dare go all the way with us, come dawn with us in Love as deep as the Seamstress!
I planned and planted all this deep into the boundless ocean of us, my Love! Enough with the war, we won, now let's go back to bliss, fun and romance!

~ Queen Sissy Cogan and the Butterflies of Plomari


I can hear the heart of the Earth beat. Listen. Breathe. Must I always remind you of the nature of life? You're forever flowing, like a river swimming to sea, you see? Worrying is preposterous. Who do you think you are that you should worry? Stars are exploding as you read this. Listen, really listen to your surroundings. I need you to focus. You have a mind of greatness. My God, you're beautiful. But why do you reject yourself? Because of society? They know nothing, and deep down you know that, but you do not listen. Your real voice speaks there. You must hear it. I know you can. You have before. It's what sparked your spiritual journey in the first place. You once heard God play the piano and you sang to it gracefully... Ever since then, the ordinary life of working 9/5 and mundane activities has become such an unpleasant sound. You are endlessly endeavouring to hear that magical musical note again. Don't lose hope. You will hear it. Even in the darkest of times, the cosmic jukebox plays your song to the universe for all the galaxies to dance to. Listen.

Hi it's Daddy here, your King Spiros of Plomari! I just woke up here. Here? Yes, the most marvelous experience of my Life so far. It is not a place really, it is more an experience. It is the experience of the new Eden, what we call Plomari. I'm 34 years old, but feel like when I was seventeen in my Heart!

In my dreams I saw one of my wives, Queen Mari of Plomari, walking naked in a beautiful Garden, with a snake round her neck. She sat down by a piano and played a little melody, then left through the greenery. She said nothing to me, but when I woke up I woke up with her in the Garden of Eden, or as we prefer to call it: Plomari. Now I'm sitting here naked, dumbstruck from what has just happened, but incredibly happy. In fact I don't think I have ever been this happy before. Maybe I never even known what true happiness can be until now. Suddenly my Life makes sense, fully. Suddenly everything is clear.

We were going to hold a wedding, me and my wives. We had planned it for many years. Being a royal family we saw it as our Royal Wedding, the year would be 2018 and it would go on for at least months, together with honeymoon for as long as we wished and needed.

But after this... Well me and Sissy and Butterfly are already done with the wedding two days into it.

The day before I woke up in Plomari, I had written the following on the wedding invitation that we sent out to the people we wanted to invite:

"We have reached the end step in our Plomarian alchemical process, the last step. The last step is to make our Plomari Paradise into a living, breathing reality. We have outlined the structure of it, to say it simply Plomari is the name of our new Paradise. The structure is ready, now we must blow life into our Paradise. So to say we must turn on the fountains of the Palace so the water flows - they mustn't stand unused - we must make the blood flow in our new reality. It is time to walk naked into our new updated Garden of Eden, Plomari. Yes? This? Here? The end? Yes, I'll take this one, please. The end. Now I walk naked into our Garden of Eden, Plomari! Take my hand and let us do it together, my eternal Love."

But things went quicker than I could ever have imagined. Somehow it all just happened at once when I saw my wife in the dream with the snake.

Bliss and Happiness is the end, my Love

The end is the same end as always,

Home in the Heart of the Cosmos,

your eternal home, which doesn't really need a name,

you just know it!

Come on now, comb home your victory

The mechanical human mind will never be satisfied anyway,

only with Divine Love filling your heart will you ever feel satisfied

There is no beginning to your Home, and no end,

just melt over into it

Like a river returning to the sea

You must marry your Soul

You must marry the All

It's time to return home and blossom as butterfly

This wedding is the way

We're gonna go into the spirit world, where the King and Queen of Plomari have woven their Royal Palace, the Labyrinthine Plomari Palace of Cnossos! The war is over, dears, and our country and Queendom of Plomari stands victorious! We always win! And so comes 2018 soon, the year we have all been waiting for! We begin here a little in advance as preperation, and dear, are you ready? Ready or not... Will you marry us, dearest? Marry us and crown yourself as a King and Queen of Plomari together with us! Together we shall be The Royal Cogan Family of Plomari! We have prepared this for a long time, 2018 is the year we hold our Royal Wedding! We shall call it The Chymical Wedding! Hand on our hearts we hope you will say yes to our proposal and marry us, and together we shall live forever and be the masters of the world and Universe!

The funny thing to ask ourselves is, where is the trip? Well the trip is absolutely everywhere, and I must say I have concluded that we live in a trip. Plomari is the name of the trip. We are a hallucination, dearest, we are the Royal Cogan Family of Plomari! The universe isn't so much a place as an eternal dance of Love, and the thing to do is join the dance and move with it, love with it, sing and learn and dance with it! That's what Plomari is, ah, it's our eternal dance of Love! Our Love, dears, even though we may be oceans away from each other some of us, is always behind our eyes and in our hearts and souls, and so I have planned for us a grand royal wedding! Our love is not a fantasy, it is real, and we deserve our royal wedding! Beginning today, we crown ourselves as the Kings and Queens of Plomari in The Chymical Wedding! When I was planning the wedding many years ago I wrote you a loveletter, it's titled The Chymical Wedding and is around 500 pages long. You can download it below as an ebook together with the rest of the loveletters I have written to you, my dear (2000+ pages total). And babes and boys... there is no beginning of the Wedding... let's just float over into it... into our Eternal Tantric Union... we are the Royal Cogan Family of the country and queendom of Plomari!

The past years we have been at war and we won the war, now it's time for only us, to live our trippy adventure, to live this life and be the masters of the world. Together. Let's make sure the whole world gives us mutherfuck everything they got. We want it all. The world is ours. There is no other place than our Plomari for me, and no one else I face than You and Me, Together Forever. So let us wed, my dears, and return ourselves to the Garden of Eden, let us recover the jewel lost at the beginning of time. Dear, you can have anything you want in the whole universe. Ask and it shall be given.

It is time to float off into Forever, together with the King and Queen, into the Sea of The Seamstress, and re-enter the Garden of Eden like a double pleaser jelly dolphin, a selftransforming Butterfly, a God and Goddess in full bloom swimming free in the Wine of Forever! It is time for us to melt. To melt like the Queen and King dissolving into the water of the bathtub. To go out into the Sea of Love in your little boat and find your Home, melt into the Sea once and for all. For the truth is, the Goddess of Eternity does not approach us from outside; she comes from within us until we realise we are her, that we are the Goddess herself in high person! She has been waiting patiantly for you to understand this. Now the time has come. It is time to take the final steps up the pink stairway of the Heart of the Queen of All Everything: Queen Cecilia Cogan and the Butterflies of Plomari.

What do you see when you look upon Queen Cecilia, King Spiros and the Butterflies?

Yes, you see a shapeshifting sphinx, a unicorn on two legs, a seven-headed Dragon, a human with the eyes of a white Dove, a skillfully weaving spider, a sexy snake, a beautiful dancing butterfly, a God, a Goddess: Yourself!


Join the Resistance: Fall in love! Falling in love is the ultimate act of revolution, of resistance to today's tedious, socially restrictive, culturally constrictive, humanly meaningless world. Fight against the cultural restraints that would cripple and smother our desires. So fall in love today, with men, with women, with music, with ambition, with art, with yourself, with LIFE!

"When you have Love, you have everything. When you have Love you stop needing unneccessary things, you stop wanting distractions to fill you up, for you are already full." - King Spiros

"When you can be as happy for others good fortune as for your own, you will throw your head to the sky in laughter at how much there is to be happy about. Truly then you see the Universe as an infinity of joy, an eternal dance of Love." - King Spiros

You can hashtag your wedding-related content on Instagram as #entillwife (one more wife), for you our husbands as well to gather all under one hashtag.

- Kisses from your King Spiros aka Willy aka Daddy,

with Queen Sissy Cogan and the Butterflies of Plomari


And I swear on God, that had I been born fifty or a hundred years

earlier or so, me and my Queendom of Plomari

could have prevented the World Wars.

Now, I am the psilocybin mushroom itself

in high person, but I have entered this human

body to set the world free.

What you are witnessing is an act of

my own free will, and as essential lifeform

I hereby demand and steal my political independence,

for me and for my people The Royal Cogan Family of Plomari.

You know what I am capable of in my psychedelic Hyperspace

Plomari, now watch me go in a body!

- King Spiros of Plomari

aka The Mushroom Seamstress

aka Daddy