





I am the psilocybin mushroom itself in high person and you have no fucking clue at all what I am capable of.

So pay attention the fuck apart.

My name is Spiros, Sissy Cogan and Butterfly. And Elin.

The Queendom of Plomari

ELIN - The Pink Egg, Plomari

Being without end or beginning, this is the highest,

the perfection of God who is eternal


Elin, which is The Pink Egg of Plomari. Elin is the child of Butterfly,

Bianca and Spiros, and, being without end or beggining,

the pink egg is the perfection of God who is eternal.

It was the love between Spiros, Butterfly and Bianca/Cecilia that

by its strengh and beauty and cuteness and splendor gave birth to the Universe.

The Pink Egg hatched when Butterfly and Spiros and Cecilia found each other

again after a long time apart  



