




Act I: King Spiros Return


I have returned, my dear Queens.

And know, Humanity, that me and my Queens

have never known defeat.

Kisses from your King Spiros of Plomari


They worshiped, so they said, the great Old Ones, Who Lived ages before there were any men, And who came to the young world out of the sky. Those old ones are gone now, Inside the Earth and under the Sea of the Mushroom Seamstress, But their dead bodies had told their secrets in dreams, To the first men, who formed a cult which has never died. Plomari is that cult and the prisoners said that it had always existed, And always would exist, Hidden in distant wastes and dark places all over the world, Until the time when the great priest King Spiros of Plomari, also known as King Hu, From his dark house in the mighty city of R'lyeh, Under the waters, should rise, And bring the Earth again Beneath his sway.

And so the god King Spiros of Plomari came to the Earth, because he could share to Humanity the secrets of what lies beyond being Human. He disguised himself as the Lord of Death... for King Spiros is the Lord of Eternal Life... King Spiros and his wives are Lords of the Skies of Imagination, able to carry anyone with them into the higher dimensions known as Plomari, anyone who will but play with them, and let the play deepen and deepen.

"I am King Spiros," said the King, "but you can call me Robin Hood. I am King Hu, Lord of Eternal Life, I am the magic mushroom itself in high person, having come to the Earth to help set the world free."

And so King Spiros of Plomari now stood on the blood-splashed stones. Not a ghostly projection. Not hidden behind veils of shielding powers. Not even a spiritual visitation. No, this was King Spiros, the god. Here, now. The Lord of Eternal Life had arrived to Earth. To walk the streets, in the City of Blue Fire.

What, dear Governments of Earth,

you wanna try and contain me?

You think my eternal Plomari

deserves to be contained?

You don't want my Plomari to spread?

Good luck, enemies of my eternal Queendom!

Ahp ahp ahp, nu tar vi det jävligt lugnt...

Det betyder varning, Mänskligheten...

Känn på den... and now we slåss!

May the blessing of the

Plomarian Love Bomb Almighty

descend upon us all, this day and forever more!

We are the Queens and Kings of Plomari,

and if you think we're backing down

you gotta be out of your God damned skulls!

